ZMO News |
Thursday, 31 January, 2019 | |
Montag, 4. Februar, 16-18 Uhr, ZMO Einladung: Zweite Baraza la Kiswahili la Berlini mit Jasmin Mahazi am Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient
Liebe Kolleg*innen der Baraza la Kiswahili la Berilini (BALAKI-BE),
wir freuen uns sehr, euch dazu einzuladen, euch mit uns zur zweiten Baraza la Kiswahili la Berilini zusammenzuschließen. Die Baraza findet am Montag, den 4. Februar im Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) von 16 bis 18 Uhr statt.
Unsere Baraza-Kollegin Mwalimu Jasmin Mahazi wird uns eine Zusammenfassung ihrer Dissertation zur Gattung der Vave-Lieder der Wabajuni von der Insel Lamu geben. Der Titel ihrer Präsentation lautet: "Wakulima na Elimu ya Kichwa: Utanzu wa Nyimbo za 'Vave' za Wabajuni Kisiwani Lamu“.
Wenn ihr teilnehmen möchtet, könnt ihr euch bei Daniel Kossman hier per Mail anmelden. Nähere Informationen, wie ihr zum ZMO kommt, findet ihr hier.
Karibu sana und vielen Dank! Kai Kresse (ZMO) & Lutz Diegner (HU Berlin)
Photo credit: Lamu Island, Kenya. © Erik Hersman (CC Attribution 2.0 Generic) | |
Thursday, 28 February, 5 pm, ZMO Queer Futures Lecture by Henriette Gunkel (Goldsmiths, University of London) as part of the ZMO-Colloquium 2018/19: Performing Gender and Sexuality in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia
This lecture takes as its starting point José Muñoz’ provocation that “a mode of being in the world is also inventing the world” in order to explore contemporary (audio)visual practices and their potentiality for queer worldmaking. Here the notion of time proposed through the art practice and the capacity of the media itself will be of central concern. The film Stories of Our Lives by Jim Chuchu/the Nest Collective (Nairobi) as well as Awuor Onyango’s photographic series Visibility is a Trap will provide the context through which to think temporal movements and dimensions within the aesthetics and performance of alternative space-times.
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Monday, 11 February, 5 pm, ZMO Reconstructing Eastern Christianity under Ottoman Rule: Cairo's Christian Spatialities Lecture by Magdi Guirguis (Kafrelsheikh University, Cairo) as part of the Urban Studies Seminar The Urban Spatialities of Religion in the Middle East, Africa and South-East Asia
Under the Ottomans, Eastern Christianity was largely restructured. Both its internal orga-nization and relationship with the urban space were the object of profound mutations. The rise of the Greek Patriarch as the dominant ruler of the Chalcedonian communities in the Arab world also deeply influenced the communities. This evolution comprised episodes of strong ethnic, cultural and confessional struggles that also had....
Photo credit: Qesm Sharm Ash Sheikh, South Sinai Governate, Egypt. © Michael Gorski (CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0)
Monday, 25 February, 5 pm, ZMO (Un)closed Lodges: Sufism and Space in "Post-Secular" Turkey Lecture by Lucía Cirianni Salazar (Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies) as part of the Urban Studies Seminar The Urban Spatialities of Religion in the Middle East, Africa and South-East Asia
In 1925, a law was passed in the newly formed Republic of Turkey (law number 677) to close all the Sufi lodges and ban the tarikas’ (Sufi orders) activities and titles. This measure was crucial in the definition of Turkish laicism. Throughout the 20th century, Sufi communities in Turkey went through different periods of persecution and/or formation of political alliances with the State. Different modes of understanding the role of Sufism in...
Photo credit: Türbe of the sufi Nur al-Din al-Jarrāhī in Istanbul © Venturi Nazzareno (CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0)
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Call for Papers: "Women and the Transregional Circulation of Knowledge, from 1800 to 1950" Workshop organized by Forum Transregionale Studien and Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin, 20-22 June 2019, Deadline for abstracts: 3 February 2019.
When taken on the move across different regions and across time, knowledge is adapted, translated, and transformed. This exploratory workshop aims at discuss ing new concepts and approac h es to understand knowledge production by women in transregional mobility , considering the complex relations between...
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